The Big 30


Hi, guys I know I have been missing in action but I’m back. I have interesting news I turned 30 years old yeaa and it’s not as scary as I thought it would be. If there is anything I am just super grateful that the Lord has spared my life to reach this milestone. To be honest, I did not get to fulfill my birthday wishes – traveling  (I had just gotten back from a trip home) or skydiving (hopefully I get to do this soon). But I did get to do an amazing photo shoot and I found an amazing rental company for clothing. I will touch on that soon.

First, I would like to share with you 10 things I am grateful for in this my 30th year.

  1. Most definitely life there is nothing greater
  2. I’m at peace with my past
  3. I somehow managed to get a degree
  4. My job and the amazing team I work with
  5. Second chances, well more like 3rd chances
  6. Supportive family
  7. Good health
  8. Amazing friends
  9. A roof over our head that’s ours
  10. The lessons I have learned

Of course, these years were not without its own fair share of heartaches, trials, tribulations mistakes and tears. But from it all, I have gained so much knowledge. So here are 10 things I wished I knew or did before 30.


  1. Stepping out of my comfort zone. I never challenged myself enough.
  2. I wished I had developed better spending habits at an earlier age. I could have achieved so much more.
  3. Taken relationships more seriously as they actually matter.
  4. The past is just that the past and it does not define me
  5. Life consists of bad days too and it’s ok because smooth water never makes good sailors.
  6. Forgiveness lightens the heart like no other
  7. Being more of an extrovert isn’t actually that bad. There is so much to learn from us
  8. Consistency matters. This is something I have struggled with for so long
  9. It’s ok to wait and not rush.
  10. Happiness is now

Now back to the fun stuff. I found this website called Rent The Runway trust me guys it’s amazing. You have the opportunity to rent beautiful pieces at a very reasonable price. There are three ways to rent – RTR Reserve, RTR Update and RTR Unlimited. The process was smooth and easy and there were no hidden fees. I love it. Of course, the day of the shoot came with its challenges the dress which I loved the most couldn’t fit, thank God for my photographer though we made something happen. I also left one of the purses at the location of the first shoot lol. Thank God I was able to retrieve it as I would have had to pay.

I love you guys so so much thanks for stopping by and I will see you soon.


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